Sunday, 4 January 2015

Diy Pencil case

In honor of back to school I decided to do a tutorial for a DIY pencil case that can also be used to store makeup, sewing tools, screwdrivers, you get the jist.

1.)  Cutting. Cut two rectangles, these will be the body of the pencil case, I cut mine 40cm x 24.5cm, also cut out a rectangle (of the same size) of inner lining. Next cut a smaller rectangle of 22cm x 11cm and another with a triangular flap, These will be the side pocket. Also cut a rectangular strip, mine was 30cm x 9cm.

2.) The Bottom Pocket. Place the long strip face down about three centimeters away from the bottom of one piece of the main fabric. Pin down and sew along the bottom edge only.

3.) Bottom Pocket Continued. Fold the two side edges over and iron flat. TIP*** If you don't have access to an iron, use  a hair straightener. Once ironed, fold the whole piece up and sew sides down.

3.) The Side Pocket. Place the two smaller rectangles right sides together, sew both smaller sides and bottom edges together, once done, turn ride side out, iron, and hand sew on a button and make a button hole.

4.) Attaching The Pocket. Place and  pin the pocket on the base fabric, then sew around the same three edges that you did to put it together.

5.) Adding The Elastic. cut a piece of elastic that is about a centimeter longer than the bottom pocket. Fold one edge over 0.5 of a centimeter and sew it down about 4 centimeters above the opening of the pocket. **Make sure that the stitching space is at ZERO Do that again about a centimeter and a half away so there is enough room to fit a pencil in. Do this any desired amount of times or make the spaces bigger so you can fit larger tools inside. My pencil case fits 7 pens and a calculator.

5.) Finishing It Off using a glue stick, glue the inner lining to the wrong side of the main rectangle (the side without the pockets) then place the two main rectangles wrong sides together, then sew along three desired edges. Once sewn, turn it right side out and sew the un-sewn edge. Then take a desired length of ribbon or elastic and sew it to the end of the case. And your done!

Be sure to check out my main blog here
If you made one of these pencil cases then feel free to send me an email with a picture here

Hope you enjoyed this and see you guys next week!